Are there any best practices for dealing with timezones in timeseries data?

Are there any best practices for dealing with timezones in timeseries data? I’ve been looking around and haven’t seen anything obvious. I assume some use UTC for everything, some use local time, but I’m not sure what I should be doing here.

I always store as UTC then convert as needed at view/display time

Though now that I work on a globally distributed team, we display everything UTC. Otherwise it’s a pain to have to qualify the time in app screenshots, etc

When on call I even set my laptop to UTC. Easier when you have to compare text logs or something

I am using Amazon TimeStream, which seems to store the time with offset from UTC, so that might get me the best of both worlds. I guess I’ll find out as I monitor more than one site.

Ok, so TimeStream actually saves it in UTC because it’s doing the TZ offset for me. I guess this is best.