but first, I want to find an API that can detect a clearly visible face
okay maybe the value is in what isn’t there - everything is “very unlikely” - it’s detecting a face but it can’t read any expression… I wonder what a “blank face” would read
i tried the likely unlikely. does not help
even if it is unlikely it is still a good picture
“exposed” maybe? but blurred is a value too… so maybe htat’s exposure
the confidence is high though
blank face for me can still be a good profile picture :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
vs 86% on this one from istock
this is high too but not a good profile picture - not clean face
hmm 86% if pretty high lol
what was the confidence on this one? https://googlecloud-community.slack.com/archives/C0A4R16TD/p1717110601175059?thread_ts=1717101314.591789&cid=C0A4R16TD
there is also confidence in each attribute…
ok I’d wonder about trying a 90% confidence threshold or something
if that ladys nose was visible behind the bushes it’d probably be 90 though
even with a mouth concealed
but this confidence is just a model confidence for numbers given, not confidence if there is a face or not, i think
this one is interesting… right at 91%
dont think 90% / confidence should be used here,… would stop a lot of valid pictures…
86% shows for both face hidden with palms and clean face
was just looking at “ML Kit” - another google thing… It supports classifications “eyes open” and “smiling” but not anything about obscured or not… It graphs 36pts contour for facial shape but I think that’s too “in the weeds”
ha yea sounds complicated… it’s weird that this is not out-of-the-box solution. i feel like many many applications want their users to have a clean face profile (at least for one main picture)