[Kubernetes]Accessing cluster nginx, dashboard and other services on the external public IP

Not to mention that the assumption of “Hetzner is also VM environment and should therefore work the same way as my local dev env” is just plain wrong.

For your own sake, stop whatever it is you’re doing now, take a deep breath, step back and understand how these things work then come up with a plan and implement that - if it does not work, iteratively alter the plan and implement that altered plan. But do have a plan and make sure you at least think you understand that plan before trying to implement it, because only methodically do you stand a chance of achieving your objective and establishing understanding.

(If this sounds high-handed or condescending, rest assured that’s not my intention.)

Oh, I just found you a CCM for Hetzner here.

suggestions are great!
An interesting alternative is using a full k8s distro like D2iq DKP/Konvoy or Rancher: you will have a full-working environment, with full-tested packages.
But you need a supported cloud or on-premise infrastructure.