Sending dyno statistics from Heroku with Prometheus and Grafana

Also, can you open up the /metrics end point to just promxy to have an additional route?

All heroku apps are behind the load balancer

I dunno if you’re familiar with Heroku but it’s a good choice for tiny startups who don’t have/want a dedicated devops person

Oh ok, all I’ve used is

I guess I’m out of ideas at this point, just thought of sharing promxy.

Sure thing, i really appreciate all the feedback :slightly_smiling_face:

I often find that the kind of questions I ask with my heroku background have a total impedance mismatch with Prom / k8s / all sorts of cool stuff I’d like to dig into

So… what is the grok debugger? and what is it used for?

It’s used for, well, debugging groks.

"I grok in fullness." Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land

Only got so far through that book :slightly_smiling_face: