Sending logs from Grafana cloud to Loki

Your Grafana Cloud Agent client config should look like this:

    - url: https://${GRAFANA_CLOUD_USER_ID}:${GRAFANA_CLOUD_TOKEN}@https://${GRAFANA_CLOUD_LOKI_URL}/loki/api/v1/push```
You can find out the settings from your stack settings ([${YOUR_ORG}/hosted-logs/${YOUR_UID}#sending-logs](${YOUR_ORG}/hosted-logs/${YOUR_UID}#sending-logs)).

Aha, the ID and API key for Loki are separate to the Prometheus stuff

Also, you’ve got clients in your example above, but client in the linked page

Hi , I’ve made the changes but I still don’t see anything in the cloud console. Is my understanding correct?