Troubleshooting steps for scaling down Strimzi Zookeeper pods safely

Hello Team, I have a general query on strimzi cluster operator deployed kafka:
cluster op version: 0.29.0
Zookeeper pods: 3
broker pods: 5
k8s version: 1.29
The zookeeper also has a pvc attached to it. I want to reduce the number of zookeepers from 3 to 1 temporarily.
I want to know are there any special steps related to migrating the data on the to be removed zookeepers I need to take before reducing the number of replicas in the kafka custom object.
Or strimzi operator will take care of this?
Is there any chance of loss of availability of kafka or loss of zookeeper persistent data due to this downscaling?
There are a lot of documents about scaling down brokers with checks, but nothing I can find on zookeeper.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Am I asking in the wrong channel?
Kindly let me know how can i get some help on this.

Hi you want to ask in the Strimzi channel on the CNCF Slack :slightly_smiling_face:

Far better place to get Strimzi advice