Apache Kafka tests failing with Gradle in Mac environment

Hi Team,
I’m running tests (./gradlew core:test and other) in the official <https://github.com/apache/kafka/tree/trunk|Apache Kafka> but several tests are always failing. Are there any dependencies, configuration or properties which must be added to successfully execute all the tests?

Test running in Mac 14.5 with below config -
• Build with version 3.9.0-SNAPSHOT (commit id e5b87129)
• Gradle 8.8
• Java 17
• Scala 2.13.14
Can someone help here please?

Mainly, I’m getting error like java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: Reconfigurable contains non-dynamic configs HashSet(max.connection.creation.rate, max.connections)

Not sure – there is know flaky tests

Not super familiar with broker test suite

In doubt, reach out to the dev mailing list.

Cf Jenkins builds: https://ci-builds.apache.org/blue/organizations/jenkins/Kafka%2Fkafka/activity?branch=trunk