AWS - creating CloudWatch alerts based on the error code from Oracle DB logs

Hi Team, Is it possible to create CloudWatch alerts based on the error code from Oracle DB logs. Like trigger alert for ORA-XXX error from logs?

If the logs are in CloudWatch logs, then you can create a metric from the log stream and alert on that

Yes the are in CloudWatch logs. I have created some alerts based on existing cloudwatch matrics. Can you please point me how can I create matric from log stream? Thanks

Use a filter to match the specific pattern in your log and write this out to a CloudWatch metric. Then setup an alarm on the metric as you have done already.

Thanks it worked for me. Now I am trying to terraform it.

I have a quick question regarding patterns, I have few error code which I want them to check all in logs and alert.

Resource “aws_cloudwatch_log_metric_filter” “oralce_alarm_error” {
name = “int_oracle_error”
pattern = “rdshm”, “Thread 1 advanced to log sequence”
log_group_name =