CompareQueries plugins not working in grafana 8

Hi folks
any one has tested compareQueries plugins on grafana 8 ? it doesn’t work for me

What’s not working? :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s not detected , when i go to add plugin as datasource

I have another grafana version 7 and it works fine with !

Does it show up under Configuration -> Plugins? What version of the plugin are you running?

Looks like that plugin hasn’t been published, which means it hasn’t been signed yet. By default, Grafana 8 doesn’t allow running unsigned plugins. If you know what you’re doing, you can configure Grafana to allow that plugin.

With allow_loading_unsigned_plugin in grafana.ini doesn’t help

Are you getting any errors in the server logs?

Yes, sorry it’s my bad …
i forgot the [plugins] in grafana.ini
it’s work fine now thank you

Good to hear! :raised_hands: