Comparing Grafana's APM & RUM support against DataDog functionalities

Hey, does Grafana support APM & RUM or not? Compairing this aainst DataDog. Or do I miss something somewhere. Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

if there are metrics for those it sure can.

Thanks will that metrics be able to be pulled with Prometheus?

you need to find a prometheus exporter that will export the metrics you want to have. for APM possibly zipkin for RUM I found this

You will want to try these and see if they export the metrics you want to gather else look for a prometheus exporter that has the metrics you want

Thanks , will check it out and let you know :muscle::skin-tone-2:

prom is one of many possibilities. what type of app is it? maybe it provides metric endpoints.

If you use RUM the way Grafana Labs has engineered it:
Grafana Labs has “Grafana Faro”, which is a RUM telemetry JavaScript SDK.
You will need to bundle it into your client-side browser bundle, publish the data from Faro to a server (eg. Grafana Alloy / OpenTelemetry Collector) then forward the RUM measurements logs onto Loki (logs server).
Then you can use a Grafana Dashboard designed for it like this one from the Grafana Faro demo app: