Configuring notification policy matchers in Grafana AlertManager triggering error validation

Hi, when using Mimir AlertManager (latest) in Grafana (11.1.0) and adding a notification policy, setting up matchers result in an error:

ts=2024-07-18T08:13:43.575679829Z caller=api.go:151 level=warn component=MultiTenantAlertmanager user=fake msg="error validating Alertmanager config" err="bad matcher format: \"cluster\"=\"abc\""

Multitenancy is disabled in all components

That would be the last issue for a full kube-prometheus migration to Grafana only stack (k8s-monitoring-helm / Mimir / Loki / Alloy…)

You need to enable utf8_strict_mode on alert manager config

Yep that works ! awesome !