Discrepancy in heat map appearance between Grafana version 8 and 11

Hello, I don’t understand much about heat maps, but I am upgrading our Grafana from 8 to 11. The first image is how this heat map looks on 8 and the second is how it looks on 11. The data source and time range is the same, and the dashboard was imported by taking a backup of prod (8) and applying it to dev (11). What would cause this?

(hi!) which datasource type? neither of those look like the data’s organized properly to be honest… however as for differences, somewhere between Grafana 8 and 11 (in 9? 10 maybe?) the panel was migrated from Angular to React, and also support for Native Histograms was added, so it was basically a complete rewrite.

one of the things that changed too was how values approaching zero were handled - before you could get cells that had really small (like, 0.00001) values causing the heatmap to skew and look weird. some of this can be attributed to floats etc…

but now there’s a new field in the panel configuration “Hide cells with values <=” that you can set - my guess is that’s what’s making the most significant difference:

(it’s under the “Cell Display” section in the panel options)

Okay, it looks like the red panels that are missing in 11 are all 0s in 8, so that might explain some of it
unfortunately i have been tasked with ‘make it look the same’ not ‘make it accurate’

:grimacing: you might have a hard time with that… however, if you play with smaller values, or even set it to 0, it should look more-or-less the same

As for datasource type, we’re using Prometheus

in the vein of “make it accurate” (maybe something you can push for after it looks the same :sweat_smile:), make sure the query’s Format is set to “Heatmap”, and make sure the “Heatmap → Calculate from data” option is set to “No”… at least, assuming this is a histogram metric. if it’s not, you might need different values (or, a different panel type entirely)

It looks like setting that setting to -1 seemed to work

oh yeah, I forgot negative values work :wink:

you’re welcome :man-bowing:

hi dave and alexis :wave:

it looks like our data is set to time series, but it is a bucket type. i didn’t develop this dashboard :shrug:

yeah - that’s wrong - it should be Heatmap

but probably a battle for another day :wink:

isn’t that query also wrong for a heatmap?

well it’s technically OK

I’d surround it with sum by (le) (...) to make it clearer

ah, yeah that’s what i was implying, but i guess the le label is there either way

less-than or equal to

it’s the bucket label