Exporting manually created monitors in Datadog for Terraform conversion without API

Moving my question to here as it seems more like the right place:

I am looking for a way to do a mass export of manually created monitors in DD so that I can convert them to terraform. I do not have access to the company api keys or any other tokens to use other tools. I am fine with the JSON, I can convert it later to terraform. I am currently looking at monitors on the "Manage Monitors" UI and hoping there is a way to do it from there.

Hello! Don’t quote me on the future of what I’m going to say, but… Dirty hack… You can go to your dashboard, monitors/manage and in F12 network tab you can look for “search?” and this spits a JSON with 50 monitors. That’s the most I can tell you.

Increasing the count and start should get you the rest. This is obviously not the perfect way, but oh well.

At least it can get you moving

:+1: thanks I will try that

that worked like a charm