I have a fargate task that’s getting passed some fields from secrets as environment variables and this is the resulting secrets object in the task definition:
"name": "MYSQL_HOST",
"valueFrom": "arn:aws-us-gov:secretsmanager:{region}:secret:{secret_name}:{field}::"
Which as far as I can tell is the correct methodology.
I've also given the task permissions to describe {secretname} in both the execution and task roles.
I was given the message:
`ResourceInitializationError: unable to pull secrets or registry auth: execution resource retrieval failed: unable to retrieve secret from asm: service call has been retried 1 time(s): failed to fetch secret`
and ran the `TroubleshootECSTaskFailedToStart` runbook (output inside) and it seems like the main grievance is the following:
`SecretAnalysis:AWS API Error An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the DescribeSecret operation: Invalid name. Must be a valid name containing alphanumeric characters, or any of the following: -/_+=.@!`
Am I doing something obviously boneheaded? Any insight is appreciated.
GenericChecks:Checking Task networking and public IP assignment
GenericChecks:Checking Task networking and public IP assignment
GenericChecks:Checking if Image Pull Rate Limit occurred
RegistryAnalysis:Checking Security group egress rules for DNS resolved IP/s of ECR domains
RegistryAnalysis:Checking required VPC endpoints for ECR
RegistryAnalysis:Checking VPCe analysis for s3
RegistryAnalysis:Checking Security group egress rules for DNS resolved IP/s of external registry domains
LogAnalysis:Checking log configuration permission and group existence
SecretAnalysis:Checking SecretsManager credential existence and KMS settings
SecretAnalysis:AWS API Error An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the DescribeSecret operation: Invalid name. Must be a valid name containing alphanumeric characters, or any of the following: -/_+=.@!
SecretAnalysis:AWS API Error An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the DescribeSecret operation: Invalid name. Must be a valid name containing alphanumeric characters, or any of the following: -/_+=.@!
SecretAnalysis:AWS API Error An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the DescribeSecret operation: Invalid name. Must be a valid name containing alphanumeric characters, or any of the following: -/_+=.@!
SecretAnalysis:AWS API Error An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the DescribeSecret operation: Invalid name. Must be a valid name containing alphanumeric characters, or any of the following: -/_+=.@!
SecretAnalysis:AWS API Error An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the DescribeSecret operation: Invalid name. Must be a valid name containing alphanumeric characters, or any of the following: -/_+=.@!
SecretAnalysis:AWS API Error An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the DescribeSecret operation: Invalid name. Must be a valid name containing alphanumeric characters, or any of the following: -/_+=.@!
SecretAnalysis:AWS API Error An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the DescribeSecret operation: Invalid name. Must be a valid name containing alphanumeric characters, or any of the following: -/_+=.@!```