Hai Everyone,
I’m using Grafana v8.5.3
Automating the grafana dashboards, folder creation and datasources through grafana helm chart.
But after installation the chart. I checked in the grafana UI folders, datasources and dashboards is created which is mentioned in configmap. Most of the dashboards created in right folder which I configure in configmap.
some dashboards not being imported in the right folder. It is imported in the General only.
Can any one suggest me the solution.
- name: 'your-name1'```
probably does not match your-name2
your-name2: ```
apiVersion: 1
- name: 'cloud-watch'
orgId: 1
folder: 'dev-cloud-watch'
type: file
disableDeletion: true
editable: true
allowUiUpdates: true
path: /var/lib/grafana/dashboards/cloud-watch```
cloud-watch: "cloud-watch-cfg"```
```apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: cloud-watch-cfg
grafana_dashboard: "1"
cloudwatchlogs.json: |
{{ .Files.Get "dashboards/cloud-watch-logs.json" | indent 4 }}
ebs.json: |
{{ .Files.Get "dashboards/aws-EBS.json" | indent 4 }}
ec2.json: |
{{ .Files.Get "dashboards/aws-EC2.json" | indent 4 }}
efs.json: |
{{ .Files.Get "dashboards/aws-EFS.json" | indent 4 }}
redis.json: |
{{ .Files.Get "dashboards/aws-REDIS.json" | indent 4 }}```
in the above configmap, I mentioned certain dashboard paths. When I installed the chart, after I checked in UI one dashboard is added in dev-cloud-watch folder. after I updated the chart with new configmap name on that all the dashboards added. then If i updated something inchart again added dashboards moved into General not in the dev-cloud-watch folder.
I have 20 folders in which some dashboards only not imported in right folder.
In this screenshot only one dashboard is in dev-cloud-watch folder. remaining Amazon-EBS and EFS dashboards in General
Hard to tell without seeing everything, but check your grafana logs, e.g. for the issue I’m resolving at the moment…
logger=provisioning.dashboard t=2023-06-28T12:13:50.01858592Z level=warn msg="the same UID is used more than once" orgId=1 uid=rYdddlPWk times=2 providers="[developers virtual-machines]"
logger=provisioning.dashboard t=2023-06-28T12:13:50.018740723Z level=warn msg="dashboards provisioning provider has no database write permissions because of duplicates" provider=developers orgId=1
logger=provisioning.dashboard t=2023-06-28T12:13:50.018845825Z level=warn msg="dashboards provisioning provider has no database write permissions because of duplicates" provider=virtual-machines orgId=1
logger=provisioning.dashboard type=file name=developers t=2023-06-28T12:13:50.143225227Z level=error msg="failed to load dashboard from " file=/var/lib/grafana/dashboards/developers/dev-container-monitoring.json error=EOF```
There is no error logs…
Can u share ur config files where u configure and dashboards and folders.
Otherwise we can connect also fine for me. Because I struck in that issue.
I’m not quite doing it the same way as you, just trying to do the same thing
If I look at the helm https://github.com/grafana/helm-charts/blob/35f920b1ab963e1c1016205d9628ed6eac57cedb/charts/grafana/templates/_pod.tpl#L811
it mounts the config map in the keys directory, just trying it
{{- range (keys . | sortAlpha) }}
- name: dashboards-{{ . }}
mountPath: "/var/lib/grafana/dashboards/{{ . }}"
{{- end }}```
“in the above configmap, I mentioned certain dashboard paths. When I installed the chart, after I checked in UI one dashboard is added in dev-cloud-watch folder. after I updated the chart with new configmap name on that all the dashboards added. then If i updated something inchart again added dashboards moved into General not in the dev-cloud-watch folder.”
^ this is weird.
I’m using fluxcd, which is why my situation is different. With the configmap holding config.river for the agent I have to rename the configmap every time I change config.river for it to work.
I’ve just got the dashboard loaded into the right directory using kustomise configMapGenerator, will go through a change cycle
Can u share examples or ur configmap and mounts path also. that is helpful for me to resolve my issue.
- name: dev-container-monitoring-cfg
- dev-container-monitoring.json=./dashboards/dev-container-monitoring.json
- dev-node-exporter.json=./dashboards/dev-node-exporter.json
disableNameSuffixHash: true```
``` dashboardProviders:
apiVersion: 1
- name: 'developers'
orgId: 1
folder: 'Developers'
type: file
disableDeletion: false
editable: false
path: /var/lib/grafana/dashboards/developers
developers: "dev-container-monitoring-cfg"
Its worth saying theres a load of other charts and folders, but loaded from urls.
I made a change to the configmap and the file.json
Flux didnt notice the change
I changed the configmap name and in the values.yaml, recommitted.
Just waiting
Kustomize.yaml should be inside the templates right?
The whole thing is here https://github.com/arterial-multicloud/flux2-grafana-stack/blob/main/apps-grafana/base/grafana/kustomization.yaml
Thank you so much I’ll try it and tell you.
No worries, I’m not sure I’m through it yet
The only reason I’m creating dashboards is my labeling strategy is different, I’m just copying existing dashboards
I’m creating for monitoring the components.