Have you tried to see in query explorer what is going out to your datasource? I’d check if the variable is named http_route or if it’s only just a label (could happen that the name is different than the label). Also make sure there is http_route label on your metric - if there isn’t, there won’t be any match. Variables should work though.
Can you share the definition of the http_route variable? I’m pretty sure there should be .* as all. On top of that - do you receive any results when you pick a single route from variable?
no, I set http_route variable in the dashboard to All
One of the endpoints is /* and in the payload that’s sent out to Mimir I see that this route is changed to /\\\\*.
But I just checked my dashboard that has this query and it shows data for all …
sum by(http_route, http_method) (increase(http_server_duration_milliseconds_count{http_route=~"${http_route}", http_method=~"${http_method}",http_status_code=~"5..", hostname=~"${hostname}"}[$__rate_interval]))
Beforehand I set the Prometheus type (in DS config) to Mimir and set the version >2.9