Graphs per tag?

Hi all,
I was hoping to get some help on a graph I’d like to create

I was hoping to graph “checks per tag”
So I have my request name under tags, and my checks are like “request status code was 2XX, 3XX” etc…

I would like to graph the check (request status code) per tag (url)

My current request:
SELECT sum("value") FROM "checks" WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval), "check"
Does anyone know if this is possible in the way I’m attempting?
Alternatively another approach?

The graph panel requires a time and a value field. Your query seems to only return a value field (the sums for each group). Could you add the timestamp to the SELECT as well?

I’ve never had to do that before, an example other graph:

Interesting! Could you share what your current check request is returning then?

SELECT max("value"), time FROM "http_req_duration" WHERE ("requestUrl" =~ /^Account Authenticate$/) AND time >= now() - 30m and time <= now() GROUP BY time(1s) fill(null);SELECT percentile("value", 95), time FROM "http_req_duration" WHERE ("requestUrl" =~ /^Account Authenticate$/) AND time >= now() - 30m and time <= now() GROUP BY time(1s) fill(none);SELECT mean("value"), time FROM "http_req_duration" WHERE ("requestUrl" =~ /^Account Authenticate$/) AND time >= now() - 30m and time <= now() GROUP BY time(1s) fill(none);SELECT min("value"), time FROM "http_req_duration" WHERE ("requestUrl" =~ /^Account Authenticate$/) AND time >= now() - 30m and time <= now() GROUP BY time(1s) fill(none)

That’s the query inspector for the above request

Oh I meant the query result, or maybe you’re not getting any results?

So that’s the results for the working query

The one I want to create get’s me

"SELECT sum("value") FROM "checks" WHERE "requestUrl" = 'Account Authenticate' AND time >= now() - 30m and time <= now() GROUP BY time(1s), "check""