Interesting… Anyone had issues running lambda functions (python 3.8) for slack bot/app? My code works fine locally. I only had to pip install slackclient
and in my code I can use import slack
and it works fine. But when trying that with aws lambda, it fails with "errorMessage": "Unable to import module 'handler': No module named 'slack'"
. I already tried to include in my requirements.txt the following: slackclient==2.9.4
(fails), slack-sdk==3.27.1
(fails) and slack
which also fails… they all return with that same error.
You could try debugging by downloading the lambda that was uploaded and checking for the existance of this package. It may not be getting packaged correctly
considering all are failing, it seems like no external dependencies are being packaged
what are you using to deploy the lambda?
let me try downloading my lambda function as you said to see if it was packaged properly
Ah you may not being using the plugin to package dependencies
serverless plugin install -n serverless-python-requirements
and it’s in my serverless.yaml
frameworkVersion: '3'
name: aws
runtime: python3.8
handler: handler.hello
- httpApi:
path: /hello
method: post
- serverless-python-requirements
dockerizePip: true
name: python-slack```
Your dependency is within a layer? is the layer attached to the function?
sorry, I’m trying serverless for the first time… so also still getting used to it
let. mesee how to check that…
BUT… now that you said that…
checking on aws lambda… I see Layers (0)
I think that layer is probably going to overcomplicate this. Why not just install slack dependency within your main app?
right, let me try that
would it be just a matter of commenting out the lines layer and name, right!? based on what I see in the docs here:
just keeping the custom block with the pythonrequirements
let me give it a try… and thanks by the way