Hi, i have got a question in my team how to deal with an Ingress rule related issue he is trying to resolve with Kong Gateway API, hope someone has some advice on the problem and how to approach resolving it.
An example of the ingress is
"apiVersion": "extensions/v1beta1",
"kind": "Ingress",
"name": "hello-world",
"namespace": "$NAMESPACE",
"[ingress.kubernetes.io/secure-backends](http://ingress.kubernetes.io/secure-backends)": "true",
"[ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol](http://ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol)": "HTTPS",
"[ingress.kubernetes.io/use-regex](http://ingress.kubernetes.io/use-regex)": "true"
"tls": [
"hosts": [
"rules": [
"host": ""hello-world-$NAMESPACE-[place-holder].[co.uk](http://co.uk)",
"paths": [
"path": "/test1/api",
"serviceName": "api1-svc",
"servicePort": 443
"path": "/test1/api/history",
"serviceName": "history-api-svc",
"servicePort": 443
Example 1
GET request
"path": "/test1/api/(.+)/birthday",
"serviceName": "birthday-api-svc",
"servicePort": 443
POST request
"path": "/test1/api/(.+)/birthday",
"serviceName": "person-info-api-svc",
"servicePort": 443
Kubernetes ingress on our given ingress controller currently has no way to redirect requests to different microservices that has the same resource path. (please see example 1)
I am looking for an Open source solution within Kong. How do I deploy kong gateway? via kong dbless mode or using Kubernetes Ingress Controller.
The reason I said kong dbless mode is because many team will be using this and we do not want to manager 100s of databases.```
Posted on Kong forum here