I am having issues with the following spec test :
74 before do
75 allow_any_instance_of(Chef::Recipe).to receive(:include_recipe).and_call_original
76 allow(File).to receive(:exist?).and_call_original
77 allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with('/etc/.firstboot_done').and_return(false)
78 end
80 cached(:chef_run) do
81 ChefSpec::ServerRunner.new(platform: 'aws', version: 'xxx') do |node|
82 node.normal[:xxx][:xxx] = 'xxx'
83 node.normal[:xxx] = 'xxx'
84 node.normal[:xxx] = 'xxx'
85 node.normal[:opc_hostmetrics][:package] = 'opc-hostmetrics'
86 node.normal[:xxx][:version] = xxx
87 node.normal[:xxx][:release] = xxx
88 node.normal[:packages] = {}
89 end.converge(described_recipe)
90 end
92 it 'installs opc-hostmetrics when no version is installed' do
93 expect(chef_run).to install_package('opc-hostmetrics').with(version: '2.0-2')
94 binding.pry
95 end
96 end```
Here’s what rspec is returning: expected "package[opc-hostmetrics]" with action :install to be in Chef run
I have referenced google, bing, and duckduckgo to with no luck on finding wtf that rspec error means?
Oh yeah…here’s the associated recipe:
4 action :install
5 only_if { ::File.exist?('/etc/.firstboot_done') }
6 end```
It looks like it can’t find the package resource in the resource collection.
aka, you don’t ahve
package ‘opc-hostmetrics’ anywhere in the run
Ah right then you need to find aw ay to stub that file out.
Thanks for the reply…which file are you referring to that I need to stub out?
I am assuming you mean /etc/.firstboot_done
You might be better served not using ChefSpec for this and just use Test Kitchen and InSpec.
I have included the stub in my spec test on line 77 however allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with('/etc/.firstboot_done').and_return(false)
, I would imagine that’s the only stub required?
Yeah…I was thinking the same thing lol
To be honest.
I’m not super super sure. I personally wouldn’t be using ChefSpec here. As you’re basically testing the Chef-client which has plenty of tests for the package resource.
Instead, if you want to prove that guard works it’d throw up an instance.
And if you’re worried about multiple converges, use the “enforce_idempotency” in kitchen
Got a URL explaining what enforce_idempotency
does in the first place (for grasshoppers such as myself)?
Not yet sorry
I’m working on all that documentation as we speak
No worries. Thank you for your help.
From memory, if a.resource fires in the second run, then it fails the kitchen test
Right. Also I realized there was an issue in my code as well:
allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with('/etc/.firstboot_done').and_return(false)
should actually be:
allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with('/etc/.firstboot_done').and_return(true)
Once the change was made, the spec test worked just fine.