Hi all, I just upgraded Apache Kafka brokers from 2.5
to 2.8
. The upgrade was a success for the most part except for a single partition belonging to consumer__offsets
topic not having replicas in sync. On the broker that is supposed to be, but not in sync throws the following exception
kafka.common.OffsetsOutOfOrderException: Out of order offsets found in append to __consumer_offsets-12: List(14240393, 14240394, 14240395, 14240396, 14240397, 14240398, 14240399, 14240400, .... <a lot of offsets> )```
I tried the following
1. Restart the out-of-sync broker (i.e., kafka service)
2. Restart the leader (in-sync broker) of this partition.
3. Delete the `consumer_offsets-12` partition's directory from the data directory on out-of-sync broker and restart broker
4. Generate and execute reassign-partition.sh script...and eventually cancelled to revert the state
Any help is appreciated in fixing this underreplicated partition :slightly_smiling_face: