Kubernetes pull image from private insecure registry
I have a private insecure registry configured with images being pushed to it successfully. I am trying to deploy a kubernetes deployment and service for that image but I get the below error for the pod Error from server (BadRequest): container "my-app" in pod "my-deployment-695b96dc66-4mzdn" is waiting to start: image can't be pulled
Detailed error with describe command is Failed to pull image "C6-PU-POC-ND-SH-A-APS-3:5000/temp/leads:latest": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image "C6-PU-POC-ND-SH-A-APS-3:5000/temp/leads:latest": failed to resolve reference "C6-PU-POC-ND-SH-A-APS-3:5000/temp/leads:latest": failed to do request: Head "[https://C6-PU-POC-ND-SH-A-APS-3:5000/v2/temp/leads/manifests/latest](https://C6-PU-POC-ND-SH-A-APS-3:5000/v2/temp/leads/manifests/latest)": http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
docker pull works with this command - I have daemon.json configured with insecure-registries docker pull C6-PU-POC-ND-SH-A-APS-3:5000/temp/leads:latest
Any idea what could be wrong?
thanks for the input but as I mention in my original post, I have already added insecure-registries in daemon.json file under /etc/docker. The docker pull command also works btw so that should indicate that ip resolution works and registry is accessible too