Migrating to Git from TFVC on Mac: Step-by-step guide available

Hi, any solution for migrating to Git from TFVC on Mac?

Are you able to use the built-in feature?


no: because The source path is larger than 1GB in size and cannot be imported

git-tfs combined with tee-clc. But probably easier from a windows VM using git-tfs and team explorer.


or just grab latest and be done with it.

You may also be able to tf vc destroy whatever is causing the repo to be so big, cause even if you take the git tfs route, youll probably bump into all kinds of limitations.

the problem is that the TFVC code has some symlinks that on Windows get broken

They will get broken on Git anyway.

I don’t even think git-tfs has support for that: https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Agit-tfs%2Fgit-tfs+symlink&type=issues

I’m not aware of any tfvc->git migration tool that will handle that scenario at all, let alone gracefully.

just found there’s a git setting for this:


You may have to do some really creative history rewriting to fix that. The API for TFVC does expose the executable and symlink details.

I don’t remember any support for the “import tfvc” feature for symlinks either.