Proetheus - Back-off restarting failed container

Hello Folks, I am trying to integrate alert manager with Jira, so that every alert is creating a ticket. I got this GitHub repo for jiralert. I want to deploy it on AKS, got the files here - . However creating pod is showing “Back-off restarting failed container” error. Any idea what can be done to resolve this.

Check the pod logs. any errors?

These are the logs, any idea what needs to be change?
level=info ts=2021-10-27T10:04:34.473217273Z caller=main.go:66 msg=“starting JIRAlert” version=1.1-rc2
level=warn ts=2021-10-27T10:04:34.473261473Z caller=main.go:69 msg=“Using deprecated jira label generation - please read and try -hash-jira-label”
level=info ts=2021-10-27T10:04:34.473277373Z caller=config.go:62 msg=“loading configuration” path=/jiralert-config/jiralert.yml
level=error ts=2021-10-27T10:04:34.473473273Z caller=main.go:76 msg=“error loading configuration” path=/jiralert-config/jiralert.yml err=“missing reopen_duration in receiver "jiralert"”