I’m trying to spin up IAC using Superwerker on a new aws account and it keeps failing when creating Control Tower. I’m getting the following error on repeat until it ultimately fails. This is a completely fresh aws account and I have no references to those regions anywhere.
Any help pointing me in the right direction of even how to diag this would be greatly appreciated.
"__type": "InvalidParametersException",
"Message": "AWS Control Tower detected '1' validation errors:The region list you provided contains one or more invalid AWS Regions: [us-gov-west-1, us-gov-east-1]."
}"still have 1 retries will wait for 5 seconds```
Hi . I tried Superwerker though I don’t run it production. I’ve worked a bit with Control Tower and in general I spend a lot of time building and maintaining landing zones so I’m happy to help you to try to fix this.
First I’ll say that <https://github.com/superwerker/superwerker|Superwerker is an open-source project hosted on GitHub>. So to get help directly from the authors you may want to post an issue there if we can’t solve it here
It looks like you are trying to set up Control Tower in the GovCloud (US) regions us-gov-west-1 and us-gov-east-1. I haven’t worked with GovCloud, so I have to guess a bit here.
The S3 bucket from from the aws partners page actually doesnt spin up control tower at all, and fails when setting up root mail. Since it doesnt include control tower for some reason I passed on it.
Yes, both releases from superwerkers github fail for the same reason.
I’m not sure who owns the S3 bucket. If it’s owned by AWS rather than the Superwerker maintainers then it could be a very old version of the template, before they based the solution on Control Tower.
The thing is that Control Tower has no public API to set it up. It’s one of the main things that puts me off the service. Superwerker behind the scenes must be doing gnarly, fragile stuff to automate its setup.
I think I was looking at the wrong code. The are three Lambda functions in the Control Tower template. Another one is called “EnableControlTowerCustomResource”.