hello all, please any idea about this error ("[error] 10#10: *27 upstream sent too big header while reading response header from upstream"), for information i have implemented 2 pods on GKE, Frontend and Backend, and i use Nginx for my app
Increase nginx proxy buffer sizes. If you web search the error you’ll find the exact instructions
thanks for your response, i have nginx on my docker image with nginx.conf, and also have ingress on my two deploxyment with nginx annotation, i should add buffer size in my nginx.conf and ingress also?
I can’t tell. I use nginx based Kong Ingress Controller, and I had to set it on the Kong ingress
This is a common problem and I’m sure you’ll find answer that closely matches your setup
i will test this option in my conf deloyment
<http://nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size|nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size>: "0"```
It might be useful to add these two annotations to Ingress If you use Ingress Nginx Controller
ok thank you i will test this