Hey folks! I’m trying to understand how Google does it’s load balancing.
I think this is correct:
The gcloud compute addresses create
command is creating/registering an anycast ip address with the Google Front End (aka https://research.google/pubs/maglev-a-fast-and-reliable-software-network-load-balancer/|Maglev?).
Then stuff like gcloud compute forwarding-rules create
(and stuff like url-maps and backends) says how to route requests the GFE recieves on that IP to the stuff I’ve created in GCP (like my gke cluster in northamerica-northeast1).
These commands seem kinda disconnected (to me), but if those are actually a set of commands for programming the GFE via the Software Defined Networking stack (https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/networking/google-cloud-networking-in-depth-how-andromeda-2-2-enables-high-throughput-vms|Andromeda?) then it feels like the dots are finally connecting.
Am I getting this right?