Hi all, I have download the source code of Apache Kafka and I have seen that there are some stats that are printed somewhere. Where can I find these information about the log cleaner threads? I don’t see it in the logs.
Here are the stats:
val message =
"%n\tLog cleaner thread %d cleaned log %s (dirty section = [%d, %d])%n".format(id, name, from, to) +
"\t%,.1f MB of log processed in %,.1f seconds (%,.1f MB/sec).%n".format(mb(stats.bytesRead),
mb(stats.bytesRead/stats.elapsedSecs)) +
"\tIndexed %,.1f MB in %.1f seconds (%,.1f Mb/sec, %.1f%% of total time)%n".format(mb(stats.mapBytesRead),
100 * stats.elapsedIndexSecs/stats.elapsedSecs) +
"\tBuffer utilization: %.1f%%%n".format(100 * stats.bufferUtilization) +
"\tCleaned %,.1f MB in %.1f seconds (%,.1f Mb/sec, %.1f%% of total time)%n".format(mb(stats.bytesRead),
stats.elapsedSecs - stats.elapsedIndexSecs,
mb(stats.bytesRead)/(stats.elapsedSecs - stats.elapsedIndexSecs), 100 * (stats.elapsedSecs - stats.elapsedIndexSecs).toDouble/stats.elapsedSecs) +
"\tStart size: %,.1f MB (%,d messages)%n".format(mb(stats.bytesRead), stats.messagesRead) +
"\tEnd size: %,.1f MB (%,d messages)%n".format(mb(stats.bytesWritten), stats.messagesWritten) +
"\t%.1f%% size reduction (%.1f%% fewer messages)%n".format(100.0 * (1.0 - stats.bytesWritten.toDouble/stats.bytesRead),
100.0 * (1.0 - stats.messagesWritten.toDouble/stats.messagesRead))