Hi all, I’m having a weird issue using AWS RDS proxy with an Aurora MySQL cluster, where, if I check the status of the targets, I’m getting an AVAILABLE state in of of the instances but the other is unhealthy, this is the output of aws rds describe-db-proxy-targets
"Targets": [
"Endpoint": "endpoint-instance-0.region.rds.amazonaws.com",
"TrackedClusterId": "db-cluster",
"RdsResourceId": "db-instance-0",
"Port": 3306,
"Role": "READ_WRITE",
"TargetHealth": {
"State": "AVAILABLE"
"Endpoint": "endpoint-instance-1.region.rds.amazonaws.com",
"TrackedClusterId": "db-cluster",
"RdsResourceId": "db-instance-1",
"Port": 3306,
"Role": "UNKNOWN",
"TargetHealth": {
"State": "endpoint-instance-0.region.rds.amazonaws.com",
"Reason": "UNREACHABLE",
"Description": "Timeout connecting to the database"
"RdsResourceId": "db-cluster",
"Port": 3306,
And this is what I see of the instance logs:
```[Server] Access denied for user 'rdsadmin'@'localhost' (using password: YES) (sql_authentication.cc:1412)```
I don’t use secrets manager, the password is self managed and I’ve created the cluster and instances via terraform. I can also connect to the instances and the cluster endpoints with dbeaver
I assume if all the instances are good it’s a proxy misconfiguration somehow, like it’s trying to route to an old instance that was rebuilt or something
thinking my next step should be having them both on the same AZ, as I’m not going to need multi AZ at this point, but I wonder why because multi AZ is supported